Tuesday, 6 December 2016

audio exercises for shorthand practice

Audio Exercises For Shorthand Practice

Thumb rule of short hand is-


So there must be regular practice of dictation is very much necessary. And to make it simple we are providing audio exercises for your dictation practice. See each time there might not be dictator available. There might not be pin drop silence around you while taking dictation. 
These audio files will definitely help you out. You can download them. Save them to your phones. Carry them anywhere. Practice any time. Practice it using your headphones in noisy surrounding  too.
Currently providing audio exercises from new era pit man book (new course). 

Exercise -1
link for download- (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Exercise -2
link for download- (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Exercise -3
link for download- (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Exercise -4
link for download- (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Exercise -5
link for download- (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Exercise -6
link for download- (DOWNLOAD HERE)

Exercise -7
link for download- (links will be available soon)

Exercise -8
link for download- (links will be available soon)

Exercise -9
link for download- (links will be available soon)

Exercise -10
link for download- (links will be available soon)

Exercise -11
link for download- (links will be available soon)

Exercise -12
link for download- (links will be available soon)

Exercise -13
link for download- (links will be available soon)

Exercise -14
link for download- (links will be available soon)

Exercise -15
link for download- (links will be available soon)

1 comment:

  1. kindly send for all translated exercises in pitman new erra at awinocaline30@gmail.com
