This is a genuine attempt to help out new comers to the English short hand.
These are the solutions for those people who start their learning with Pitman book. This book has 140 exercises. But not answered. New comers first solve them one by one themselves. Then check them or tally them here or under supervision of master people if you have any.
Exercise - 1
1) The date.
2) The page.
3) Date the page.
4) The debt.
5) Pay the debt.
6) Who paid the debt?
7) Abe, Page paid it, but Ted, Day paid it, too.
8) Ted paid the debt which Abe paid.
9) The day Abe paid the debt, Ted paid it, too.
10) Do page two.
11) Aid Ade to do it.
12) Pay Ted to aid Abe.
Exercise - 2
1) Have they paid the debt?
2) They think the debt was paid.
3) Do they say so?
4) They say they paid it to Abe.
5) They have usually paid us.
6) Was it paid to Joe?
7) Shall they show the essay to Joe?
8) Who shall judge the essay?
9) Abe shall be the judge.
Exercise - 3
1) Show them the boat.
2) who shall fetch the boat?
3) which boat shall Joe show to them?
4) they have usually paid us to do it, but they have paid Ade, too.
5) They both say so.
6) they think they have to vote to aid them.
7) which was the page they showed us?
8) who was up to page two?
9) they both say it was usually to vote.
1) They will come to the game today.
2) they think they will be delayed.
3) show them the way to the lake.
4) who will come to the boat?
5) do they think we shall beg them to come?
6) we may change the date to the tenth.
7) do they know the date?
1) have we paid the debt?
2) we have given him the cheque to mail to them today.
3) shall we take the mail to the boat?
4) we shall aim to change the name.
5) we know they will come today.
6) they will take the lunch to the lake.
7) Joe led the way to the lake, but they say it was too low to bathe.
8) was the mail delayed ?
9) it will be given to him today.
1) Joe owes them the debt, so we have given them the cheque.
2) The thing to do was to make them weigh the coal.
3) They both say the coal was weighted.
4) Who came to take the load to the depot.
5) We have no lunch to take to the game.
6) May we have the yellow boat to take to the bay ?
7) Who will be paid to show them the way to do it?
8) We think they will come to the show which will be given today.
1) Who will come to fetch the cash? we shall be at the bank at two.
2) We know the debt was paid. A cheque was given to him long ago/
3) We saw them at the shop. They bought a ball for Jack.
4) They got a doll for Anne, too.
5) May we have a cheque for the bag bought on the tenth of May?
6) We know they had a long talk, but we think they will given him no cash.
7) They say Bob owes the debt, but the watch was paid for on the tenth.
8) We think the chalk may damage the bag. No, it will come off. Wash it off.
9) Ask Paul to attach a tag to the top of the bag.
10) we shall check the damage to the boat.
1) The tall lad was paid $5 a day to watch the shop.
2) The lake was calm, so we came back on the boat.
3) It was an odd thing to do, but it was a shame to laugh at him.
4) Which of them saw the lad take the package back to the shop?
5) Paul may manage to show them a way to do the job.
6) We know they will be at the game, but they will come back for the show.
7) We think they take too long to do the job. we have usually given the job to them, but we may make a change.
8) They will pay for the damage to the tank, but we think they will ask for delay.
9) We had no cash to pay him at the shop, so a cheque was given to him.
10) Pam had to come a long way, but saw the game.
1) They will be at the show which will be given on 29th May. It will be on a Monday.
2) We shall get enough cash at the bank to pay both of them for the job.
3) Usually we engage a bungalow at the lake for a month.
4) The wage they paid was too low. so Tom had to give up the job.
5) We know the debt was unpaid, but they had no cash.
6) Who will aid Anne to get the mail for bath off at two?
7) We think they will take the boat for Canada on Monday, 12th May.
8) The envelop for the mail was on top of the pad.
9) We shall have to ask him to pay for the damage to the gate.
10) We saw them at the game, which was on Monday, the tenth on the month.
1) The bill ought to be paid if we owe them for the wood.
2) May we see the book which was to be given to him?
3) We owe him an apology for the delay in mailing the cheque.
4) We ought to pay the money in the bank. We shall do so if we can.
5) May we have a copy of the bill for the wood we bought on the fifth?
6) The name of the book Jeccy bought was "making a living."
7) We shall go to the doc on Monday to take a look at the big ship.
8) If we can get each of them to give 2/6. we shall have enough money to feed the family for a month.
9) We think we ought to make an appeal for aid.
10) Do we owe him a fee for doing the job?
1) If they can get away, they will come to see it.
2) They will have to leave at two, if they wish to see it.
3) We shall have to pay for the damage to the family monthly.
4) If we can aid them in any way, we ought to do so.
5) It was too cool for bathing at the beach, so they came back to the pool.
6) They will be leaving for Canada on the tenth of the month.
7) They will go to Winnipeg on the tenth.
8) The lady saw a copy of the book "looking at ash."
9) If she can come in to see us, we can show the lady a copy of the book for which she was asking.
1) We shall be lucky if we get any money for doing the job.
2) May be the lunch can be given on a different day.
3) The talk was to be given on the topic "feeding the family."
4) Eva was talking of going to Mantobo in May.
5) If they wish to make any money. they will have to do the job in a different way.
6) The wood was too thick. It was an inch in width, so we had to ship it back.
7) We wish to know if it will make any difference to them if we ship the load of coal today.
8) The change may be put into effect in may.
9) We have no wish to make a change which will affect so many, but they have a different way to looking at it.
10) If we can think of anyway of doing the thing in a different way, we shall ask them to come in to see us.
1) To our relief, they came early.
2) We are leaving today, and we should reach Winipage in a day or two.
3) Who will be going to see the Army and Navy game.
4) If we wish to get to the game early, we should be ready in an hour. Ask Jack for a rug.
5) Ray and Ruth are reading the book "arm of the law."
6) We wrote to them, asking them to rush the job, and they say they will have if ready in a month.
7) We may be wrong, and if we are, we shall readily given him our apology.
8) The cheque was put in an airmail envelope, and it should reach them today.
1) So far, we have had a ;fare share of luck.
2) We had a thorough repair job at our shop.
3) We can fetch your car and leave it at your door.
4) We rang the bell, but nobody came to the door.
5) A year ago Jimmy Odare bought the ranch belonging to the Perry family.
6) The large rig at Red Gap was rich in ore.
7) It will be easy to make an error and take the wrong road.
8) We fear we shall have to borrow money if we are to carry on art the factory.
9) We should add enough money to the fee we given him to pay for the fare.
10) The jury may think the youth should get money for the injury.
11) We have thank him for the money we had to borrow.
12) They may thank the judge, whose talk was put on the air, for the change in factory law.
1) The charge for the rug was put on your March bill.
2) We wish to remove any fear they may have, and we shall urge them to engage a lawyer.
3) May we take Pauly and Jack to see the parade on the fourth of March?
4)We shall make up a party and have lunch at the cake shop.
5) We are making a tour of Italy in March.
6) Our party should be in Rome on the forth of the month.
7) We shall get back to Canada in May.
8) The usually charge for parking the car at the garage was $1.
9) We saw a copy of the rare book in the shop window.
10) It should pay the firm to go on the air daily.
11) Paul King was put in charge on the factory early in March.
12) We can put a mark in red at the bottom of each page we check.
1) Merry and jack are to be married early in March.
2) we wish to go to the wedding, but they may be married in Rome, and it will be too far away.
3) We shall ask the lawyer to talk for an hour.
4) They will take a lorry load of coal to the shop today or tomorrow.
5) Wrap the package and mail it today. We think we ought to insure the package.
6) We have given them no authority to change the policy of the firm.
7) We get our milk at the dairy farm, and we usually pay our bill monthly.
8) The living room was at the rear of the shop.
9) The door was too narrow, and we had to remove it to get the large package in to the room.
10) Merry, whose memory was poor, read a different page of the book each day.
11) Wee can change the collar of the fore wrap today, and the lady may come in for it tomorrow.
1) When i was in your shop on the Parade i saw a different type of tyre tube.
2) I should like to buy four or five of them for my car.
3) I think you will enjoy our show if you can come to see it.
4) I wish you to make out a check for the boiler and get it off tonight by airmail.
5) Our failure to do what they wish may annoy them, but how can we do what they ask?
6) The village was a mile beyond the mouth of the Wei.
7) Do you know when Roy and Dyana are going to Cuba ?
8) I know the boy would like to go with them.
9) Why was the charge put on my March bill ?
10) Do you know when the ship may leave? It will go out with the tide at five.
11) How far do you have to go ? Do you wish to come with me ?
12) You should write your name in ink at the bottom of the form.
1) What do you think we ought to do ? I think we should give them a month in which to pay the bill.
2) If you wish to catch the boat, you will have to leave early.
3) I think you will have to buy a coil for your car.
4) If you can arrive at five you will be in time for the talk.
5) I have no wish to annoy you, but i think the debt should be paid.
6) I admire the type of youth who will do a job thoroughly.
7) For a low outlay, you can get a couch for the room.
8) A cure for the lazy boy would be to give him a job which would keep him busy.
9) Why have you allowed our bill to go unpaid ?
10) What can we do for you ?
11) You can read and write for an hour.
12) How can we keep in touch with them when they go away.
13) Why do you think it would be the wrong thing to do ?
14) I think you are right, but you may have to show why you are making the change.
1) If we are to pay our way, we shall have to get new revenue.
2) I should like to do what you ask, but i have no power to do so.
3) It will be your duty to check each item we charge.
4) I shall go to the automobile show, and i may buy a new car.
5) Do you wish to renew your fire policy ? it will be due tomorrow.
6) I am aware of the value of a shop window on the avenue.
7) I will give you a cheap rate to Niagara via the lake route.
8) What would be your rate for a large room with bath or shower ?
9) We had a fire, and our factory was idle for a month : so we had a poor year.
10) I have no wish to argue with you, for you may be right in what you say.
11) You will rub your eyes when you see our New Era car.
12) Why are you buying a poor type of oil when you can get a pure oil for your money ?
13) Poor oil may damage your car; it will pay you to buy a purer variety.
Would you like to go to America with me in July ? I know you will thoroughly enjoy the tour if you can come with me. I am going with a jolly party of four or five, and we are making a tour which will take a month.
We are leaving on the S.S. Canada on the fifth of July, and we are due to arrive in America on the tenth. We can get a cheap rate for the voyage if we share a room on the boat. Write to me in a day or two and say you will come.
Do you think you will be rich enough to retire when you reach the age of fifty ? You will be rich if you can retire with enough money to live on. We can show you how you can buy a life annuity for a low outlay now.
How would your family fare if you should die now ? Can you live enough for them to live on ?
We are now issuing a new life policy which will making it easy for you to do what you would wish. You can take out the policy for a low charge. We know you will like it. Would you like to see it ?
If so, write your date of birth bellow and mail the form today.
1) I have many a happy memory of the time of my youth on the farm.
2) I saw the buyer for a minute at the hotel, but he had to hurry away.
3) Usually we ship the oil to you by boat, but if you are in a hurry, it can go by road.
4) Write and ask them if they charge a higher rate for heavy oil.
5) They hope to have the bill of lading in the mail today.
6) I know Hue Ryley, and i think he will reach a high rank in the army.
7) we hope you will enjoy the voyage, and we hope to see you when you get back.
I should like the head of your firm to see our huge new factory, and if he will come, I will fetch him in my car. If he can do so, I should like him to have lunch with me at the Park Avenue Hotel.
I hope he will come to see it, for think I will appeal to him. I shall be happy to see him, and you, if you can come too. I hope you will come with him.
1) Are-you enjoying your study of-this subject ? I-hope-you-are.
2) When you-can write these exercises fast, you-will-be on-your way to-making your living in a business office.
3) Besides its value to-you, I-hope-you like-the subject for-itself.
4) As you know, this subject is widely used in business offices, but it-has many uses besides this.
5) You-can use it for-many different purposes. Can-you name some of-them ?
6) The success of-many a famous head of a large business firm is due to-his study of-this subject. It-was-the first step in-his business career.
7) Write-the signs as-fast-as you-can. Always read back what you-write.
8) Each time you-write an exercise you-should write it faster and read it back faster.
9) Write-the forms just-as they appear in-this book.
10) In-time you-may, if-you wish, write these same forms as-fast-as you-can speak.
These are the solutions for those people who start their learning with Pitman book. This book has 140 exercises. But not answered. New comers first solve them one by one themselves. Then check them or tally them here or under supervision of master people if you have any.
Exercise - 1
1) The date.
2) The page.
3) Date the page.
4) The debt.
5) Pay the debt.
6) Who paid the debt?
7) Abe, Page paid it, but Ted, Day paid it, too.
8) Ted paid the debt which Abe paid.
9) The day Abe paid the debt, Ted paid it, too.
10) Do page two.
11) Aid Ade to do it.
12) Pay Ted to aid Abe.
Exercise - 2
1) Have they paid the debt?
2) They think the debt was paid.
3) Do they say so?
4) They say they paid it to Abe.
5) They have usually paid us.
6) Was it paid to Joe?
7) Shall they show the essay to Joe?
8) Who shall judge the essay?
9) Abe shall be the judge.
Exercise - 3
1) Show them the boat.
2) who shall fetch the boat?
3) which boat shall Joe show to them?
4) they have usually paid us to do it, but they have paid Ade, too.
5) They both say so.
6) they think they have to vote to aid them.
7) which was the page they showed us?
8) who was up to page two?
9) they both say it was usually to vote.
1) They will come to the game today.
2) they think they will be delayed.
3) show them the way to the lake.
4) who will come to the boat?
5) do they think we shall beg them to come?
6) we may change the date to the tenth.
7) do they know the date?
1) have we paid the debt?
2) we have given him the cheque to mail to them today.
3) shall we take the mail to the boat?
4) we shall aim to change the name.
5) we know they will come today.
6) they will take the lunch to the lake.
7) Joe led the way to the lake, but they say it was too low to bathe.
8) was the mail delayed ?
9) it will be given to him today.
1) Joe owes them the debt, so we have given them the cheque.
2) The thing to do was to make them weigh the coal.
3) They both say the coal was weighted.
4) Who came to take the load to the depot.
5) We have no lunch to take to the game.
6) May we have the yellow boat to take to the bay ?
7) Who will be paid to show them the way to do it?
8) We think they will come to the show which will be given today.
1) Who will come to fetch the cash? we shall be at the bank at two.
2) We know the debt was paid. A cheque was given to him long ago/
3) We saw them at the shop. They bought a ball for Jack.
4) They got a doll for Anne, too.
5) May we have a cheque for the bag bought on the tenth of May?
6) We know they had a long talk, but we think they will given him no cash.
7) They say Bob owes the debt, but the watch was paid for on the tenth.
8) We think the chalk may damage the bag. No, it will come off. Wash it off.
9) Ask Paul to attach a tag to the top of the bag.
10) we shall check the damage to the boat.
1) The tall lad was paid $5 a day to watch the shop.
2) The lake was calm, so we came back on the boat.
3) It was an odd thing to do, but it was a shame to laugh at him.
4) Which of them saw the lad take the package back to the shop?
5) Paul may manage to show them a way to do the job.
6) We know they will be at the game, but they will come back for the show.
7) We think they take too long to do the job. we have usually given the job to them, but we may make a change.
8) They will pay for the damage to the tank, but we think they will ask for delay.
9) We had no cash to pay him at the shop, so a cheque was given to him.
10) Pam had to come a long way, but saw the game.
1) They will be at the show which will be given on 29th May. It will be on a Monday.
2) We shall get enough cash at the bank to pay both of them for the job.
3) Usually we engage a bungalow at the lake for a month.
4) The wage they paid was too low. so Tom had to give up the job.
5) We know the debt was unpaid, but they had no cash.
6) Who will aid Anne to get the mail for bath off at two?
7) We think they will take the boat for Canada on Monday, 12th May.
8) The envelop for the mail was on top of the pad.
9) We shall have to ask him to pay for the damage to the gate.
10) We saw them at the game, which was on Monday, the tenth on the month.
1) The bill ought to be paid if we owe them for the wood.
2) May we see the book which was to be given to him?
3) We owe him an apology for the delay in mailing the cheque.
4) We ought to pay the money in the bank. We shall do so if we can.
5) May we have a copy of the bill for the wood we bought on the fifth?
6) The name of the book Jeccy bought was "making a living."
7) We shall go to the doc on Monday to take a look at the big ship.
8) If we can get each of them to give 2/6. we shall have enough money to feed the family for a month.
9) We think we ought to make an appeal for aid.
10) Do we owe him a fee for doing the job?
1) If they can get away, they will come to see it.
2) They will have to leave at two, if they wish to see it.
3) We shall have to pay for the damage to the family monthly.
4) If we can aid them in any way, we ought to do so.
5) It was too cool for bathing at the beach, so they came back to the pool.
6) They will be leaving for Canada on the tenth of the month.
7) They will go to Winnipeg on the tenth.
8) The lady saw a copy of the book "looking at ash."
9) If she can come in to see us, we can show the lady a copy of the book for which she was asking.
1) We shall be lucky if we get any money for doing the job.
2) May be the lunch can be given on a different day.
3) The talk was to be given on the topic "feeding the family."
4) Eva was talking of going to Mantobo in May.
5) If they wish to make any money. they will have to do the job in a different way.
6) The wood was too thick. It was an inch in width, so we had to ship it back.
7) We wish to know if it will make any difference to them if we ship the load of coal today.
8) The change may be put into effect in may.
9) We have no wish to make a change which will affect so many, but they have a different way to looking at it.
10) If we can think of anyway of doing the thing in a different way, we shall ask them to come in to see us.
1) To our relief, they came early.
2) We are leaving today, and we should reach Winipage in a day or two.
3) Who will be going to see the Army and Navy game.
4) If we wish to get to the game early, we should be ready in an hour. Ask Jack for a rug.
5) Ray and Ruth are reading the book "arm of the law."
6) We wrote to them, asking them to rush the job, and they say they will have if ready in a month.
7) We may be wrong, and if we are, we shall readily given him our apology.
8) The cheque was put in an airmail envelope, and it should reach them today.
1) So far, we have had a ;fare share of luck.
2) We had a thorough repair job at our shop.
3) We can fetch your car and leave it at your door.
4) We rang the bell, but nobody came to the door.
5) A year ago Jimmy Odare bought the ranch belonging to the Perry family.
6) The large rig at Red Gap was rich in ore.
7) It will be easy to make an error and take the wrong road.
8) We fear we shall have to borrow money if we are to carry on art the factory.
9) We should add enough money to the fee we given him to pay for the fare.
10) The jury may think the youth should get money for the injury.
11) We have thank him for the money we had to borrow.
12) They may thank the judge, whose talk was put on the air, for the change in factory law.
1) The charge for the rug was put on your March bill.
2) We wish to remove any fear they may have, and we shall urge them to engage a lawyer.
3) May we take Pauly and Jack to see the parade on the fourth of March?
4)We shall make up a party and have lunch at the cake shop.
5) We are making a tour of Italy in March.
6) Our party should be in Rome on the forth of the month.
7) We shall get back to Canada in May.
8) The usually charge for parking the car at the garage was $1.
9) We saw a copy of the rare book in the shop window.
10) It should pay the firm to go on the air daily.
11) Paul King was put in charge on the factory early in March.
12) We can put a mark in red at the bottom of each page we check.
1) Merry and jack are to be married early in March.
2) we wish to go to the wedding, but they may be married in Rome, and it will be too far away.
3) We shall ask the lawyer to talk for an hour.
4) They will take a lorry load of coal to the shop today or tomorrow.
5) Wrap the package and mail it today. We think we ought to insure the package.
6) We have given them no authority to change the policy of the firm.
7) We get our milk at the dairy farm, and we usually pay our bill monthly.
8) The living room was at the rear of the shop.
9) The door was too narrow, and we had to remove it to get the large package in to the room.
10) Merry, whose memory was poor, read a different page of the book each day.
11) Wee can change the collar of the fore wrap today, and the lady may come in for it tomorrow.
1) When i was in your shop on the Parade i saw a different type of tyre tube.
2) I should like to buy four or five of them for my car.
3) I think you will enjoy our show if you can come to see it.
4) I wish you to make out a check for the boiler and get it off tonight by airmail.
5) Our failure to do what they wish may annoy them, but how can we do what they ask?
6) The village was a mile beyond the mouth of the Wei.
7) Do you know when Roy and Dyana are going to Cuba ?
8) I know the boy would like to go with them.
9) Why was the charge put on my March bill ?
10) Do you know when the ship may leave? It will go out with the tide at five.
11) How far do you have to go ? Do you wish to come with me ?
12) You should write your name in ink at the bottom of the form.
1) What do you think we ought to do ? I think we should give them a month in which to pay the bill.
2) If you wish to catch the boat, you will have to leave early.
3) I think you will have to buy a coil for your car.
4) If you can arrive at five you will be in time for the talk.
5) I have no wish to annoy you, but i think the debt should be paid.
6) I admire the type of youth who will do a job thoroughly.
7) For a low outlay, you can get a couch for the room.
8) A cure for the lazy boy would be to give him a job which would keep him busy.
9) Why have you allowed our bill to go unpaid ?
10) What can we do for you ?
11) You can read and write for an hour.
12) How can we keep in touch with them when they go away.
13) Why do you think it would be the wrong thing to do ?
14) I think you are right, but you may have to show why you are making the change.
1) If we are to pay our way, we shall have to get new revenue.
2) I should like to do what you ask, but i have no power to do so.
3) It will be your duty to check each item we charge.
4) I shall go to the automobile show, and i may buy a new car.
5) Do you wish to renew your fire policy ? it will be due tomorrow.
6) I am aware of the value of a shop window on the avenue.
7) I will give you a cheap rate to Niagara via the lake route.
8) What would be your rate for a large room with bath or shower ?
9) We had a fire, and our factory was idle for a month : so we had a poor year.
10) I have no wish to argue with you, for you may be right in what you say.
11) You will rub your eyes when you see our New Era car.
12) Why are you buying a poor type of oil when you can get a pure oil for your money ?
13) Poor oil may damage your car; it will pay you to buy a purer variety.
Would you like to go to America with me in July ? I know you will thoroughly enjoy the tour if you can come with me. I am going with a jolly party of four or five, and we are making a tour which will take a month.
We are leaving on the S.S. Canada on the fifth of July, and we are due to arrive in America on the tenth. We can get a cheap rate for the voyage if we share a room on the boat. Write to me in a day or two and say you will come.
Do you think you will be rich enough to retire when you reach the age of fifty ? You will be rich if you can retire with enough money to live on. We can show you how you can buy a life annuity for a low outlay now.
How would your family fare if you should die now ? Can you live enough for them to live on ?
We are now issuing a new life policy which will making it easy for you to do what you would wish. You can take out the policy for a low charge. We know you will like it. Would you like to see it ?
If so, write your date of birth bellow and mail the form today.
1) I have many a happy memory of the time of my youth on the farm.
2) I saw the buyer for a minute at the hotel, but he had to hurry away.
3) Usually we ship the oil to you by boat, but if you are in a hurry, it can go by road.
4) Write and ask them if they charge a higher rate for heavy oil.
5) They hope to have the bill of lading in the mail today.
6) I know Hue Ryley, and i think he will reach a high rank in the army.
7) we hope you will enjoy the voyage, and we hope to see you when you get back.
I should like the head of your firm to see our huge new factory, and if he will come, I will fetch him in my car. If he can do so, I should like him to have lunch with me at the Park Avenue Hotel.
I hope he will come to see it, for think I will appeal to him. I shall be happy to see him, and you, if you can come too. I hope you will come with him.
1) Are-you enjoying your study of-this subject ? I-hope-you-are.
2) When you-can write these exercises fast, you-will-be on-your way to-making your living in a business office.
3) Besides its value to-you, I-hope-you like-the subject for-itself.
4) As you know, this subject is widely used in business offices, but it-has many uses besides this.
5) You-can use it for-many different purposes. Can-you name some of-them ?
6) The success of-many a famous head of a large business firm is due to-his study of-this subject. It-was-the first step in-his business career.
7) Write-the signs as-fast-as you-can. Always read back what you-write.
8) Each time you-write an exercise you-should write it faster and read it back faster.
9) Write-the forms just-as they appear in-this book.
10) In-time you-may, if-you wish, write these same forms as-fast-as you-can speak.
sir please send me complete answer key of pitman new era shorthand
ReplyDeletemy Gmail id is
Agar kisi ke pas complete exercise Hai to pls send me
DeleteAgar kisi ke pas complete exercise Hai to pls send me
DeletePls send solved exercises on my od
DeleteApko mil gye hai to merko bhi bhej dijiye
DeletePlease send
DeleteIf anyone have complete exercise then send mi plz @
Deleteplease send me complete answer key for pit man new era shorthand
Deleteemail me, I can send you via email
DeletePlease send me complete answer key for pit man new era shorthand,
Plz send me...if u hv complete answer key pitman new era.
DeletePlease send me answer key of all exercises
Deleteplease sent me the whole solutions to
DeleteIf u get send me also, please
DeleteIf u get send me also, please
DeleteIf you want any Pitman book PDF or any ssc course book then email us at
DeleteSir i want complete exercise answer with stroke please send me my Gmail act
ReplyDeleteHii did u get all the exercise answer with stroke then plz send mi on
DeleteDid u get all the exercise answer if u have plzz send me on my whatsApp no. 9862377265 plzz
DeleteIf you want any Pitman book PDF then email us at
DeleteSir plz send the complete exercise answers to my gmail account
ReplyDeletePlease send me all exercise answer key on
ReplyDeletesir please send me complete answer ley
ReplyDeletemy email address is
Sir plz send me the complete exercise answer key to my account
ReplyDeleteSir send me whole exercises to my id-
sir kindly send me pending exercises to my email id
ReplyDeletesir please sent me the complete course into my gmail
ReplyDeletesir please sent me the complete exercise to my email id. .my email id is —
ReplyDeleteSir aapko keval etna hi aata hoga adhura gyan chlk jaat. Or bn jate hai sir kuch ni aata.
ReplyDeleteSir plz send me the complete exercise answer key to my account
Deletesir can you send me all exercise and answers to my email.
hii plz send mi all exercise of pitman shorthand if u hav thn...
DeleteOkh kon si chy k
Deletegive me all answers please at
ReplyDeleteexercise 24 to 33 and 35 to end missing. plz send me complete exercise answers of new era shorthand book to gmail account
ReplyDeleteAgar kisi ke pas complete exercise Hai to pls send me
ReplyDeleteSent me all excercise at my gmail id please it urgent
Sincerely appreciate your kind support for the beginners, this was very useful to me since am trying to self study.
ReplyDeleteOnce again thank you very much for your kind and great work.
further, I would be much appreciated if you could kindly assist on other exercises as well.
pls. send the exercises to my g mail
Deletehii if plz send mi all exercise at my gmail plz...
DeletePlease send me the complete answer key on this email.
DeletePlease send me the complete answer key on this email.
Plzz snd me ex66 onwards on gmail
DeletePls send me the answer from exercises 25 onwards to
ReplyDeleteSir please send me complete excercise for my email id
ReplyDeleteplz complete this sir
ReplyDeleteplease send me full solutions
ReplyDeleteSir plz send full solution at my gmail
ReplyDeleteCould you please send complete answer key of pitman new era shorthand book & exercises.
My Gmail id:
Download kaise hogi blog pe to dal rkha h
ReplyDeletePls send me key in my mail -
ReplyDeleteSir, pls send me key of exercise I am confusing some exercise my email is
ReplyDeleteSir, I am confused with answers. Please send me the answer key at
ReplyDeletePlease send me complete exercises sir.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlz send me the answer of all the exercises @ my Gmail account
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlse send me the answer for all exercises for my gmail account
ReplyDeletePlease send me all answer key my mail is Thank you
ReplyDeletePlease send me all the answer key Thank you
ReplyDeletePlease send me all excercises to me
ReplyDeletePlease send me complete answer key of pitman new era shorthand
ReplyDeletemy Gmail id is
please send me complete answer key of pitman new era shorthand
ReplyDeletemy mail id's are
please sent me complete answer key of pitman new era shorthand
ReplyDeleteMy id is
Plz send me complete answer key of pitman new era shorthand
ReplyDeletemy mail I'd is
Answer of exercise 27
ReplyDeletesir pls send me the complete answer key sir pls....... My email id
ReplyDeleteis pls sir its urgent...
Pls send me all exercise and in
ReplyDeletePlease send me all the solved exercise of Pitman new Era shorthand book in
ReplyDeletePlease send me all the solved answer of Pitman new Era shorthand book in
ReplyDeletePls send me all dolved exercise of pitman new eta shorthand
ReplyDeletePleaPl send me all the excercise..
ReplyDeleteSir plz send me answer key of pitman shorthand.
ReplyDeleteMy id is.
Sir send me full book ans key
ReplyDeleteSend me full book ans key
ReplyDeleteSir please send full answer key .My ID is
ReplyDeleteIf someone could kindly send me complete answer key of pitman new era shorthand - I would be really grateful. My email address is:
Can you plz send me the answer key for exercise 134 of pitman new era shorthand
ReplyDeleteCan you plz send me the answer key for exercise 134 of Pitman new era shorthand
-is my gmail ID
an you plz send me the answer key for exercise 71 to 80 of Pitman new era shorthand
-is my gmail ID
Can u plz send me the and key exercise 7 Pittman's new era edition at my I'd
ReplyDeletePlease send 30 to 40 exercise
ReplyDeleteMy email id
ReplyDeleteMy email id
ReplyDeleteSir please send full answer key to my account:
ReplyDeleteSir please send full answer key to my account
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone knows the answer of exercise 24 pls send here now its an emergency
ReplyDeletePlz send me complete exercises answers my e mail I'd is mogisinghz
ReplyDeletePlz send me complete exercises answers my e mail I'd is mogisinghz
ReplyDeletePlease send me full answer key
ReplyDeletePls help
ReplyDeleteNow I'm +17 then a update all exercise update ok
ReplyDeleteAm using Pitman New Era Shorthand Anniversary Edition kindly send me answers for the exercise, dictations practices and short form dictations for all exercise. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteAm using Pitman New Era Shorthand Anniversary Edition kindly send me answers for the exercise, dictations practices and short form dictations for all exercise. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteSir can you please send me ex-140 answer
ReplyDeleteSend me all the excersice to my mail id
ReplyDeleteSir plz send me all exercises answr key of this book
ReplyDeleteSir it will help us more and more
My gmail id is --
Though I am teaching this book for the past many decades to students, so far I have not come across this key. It is very nice for new students to learn independently at home. all the best. Balasubramanian
ReplyDeleteSir please send full exercise answer key to my mail
ReplyDeletePlz send me answer key of that book
ReplyDeletePlease please...
PLease send me all the answers for short hand pitman
DeleteSir plz send me complete answer key of pitman new era book
ReplyDeleteMy email id
Sir plz send me complete answer key of pitman new era book
ReplyDeleteMy email I'd
Please send me all exercise answer key on
ReplyDeletePlease send me...all solved
ReplyDeleteexercises... As soon as possible
Pls send me exercise 90- 100
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSir pls send me exercise 39-50 (pitman new era shorthand) email :
ReplyDeleteSir please send me 98-140 exercises
ReplyDeletePlzz apka pass h to mujhe bhi send krna jrure
DeletePlease send solutions for exercises from 50_121
ReplyDeletePlease send solutions for exercises from 50_121
ReplyDeletePlease send transcription of exercise 39
DeleteSir plese send me excercise 128 129 130
ReplyDeleteSir plzz send me all the solved exercise @
ReplyDeleteSr plzz send me all the solved exercise on email id:
ReplyDeleteRespected sir I Anusha rai from south sikkim student of i.t.i and i am little confused in some exercise so please send me all solved exercise....thank you
ReplyDeletePls send the whole excercise ..
ReplyDeletePlease send me excercise 63 urgently gmail:
ReplyDeletesir please send me complete answer key of pitman new era shorthand
ReplyDeletemy Gmail id is
Please send on this id
ReplyDeleteIqnal786@gmail.con please its very much urgent ia have to give test i am from 7th classs
Send me complete answer key of shorthand plzz
ReplyDeleteSend me complete answer key of shorthand plzz my gmail Id is
ReplyDeleteSend me complete answer key of shorthand plz
ReplyDeletePlease send me all exercise
ReplyDeletePlease send me all exercis
ReplyDeleteSend me also full exercise on my email...
please sir send me All slove the answers form new era Sir Isaac pitman shorthand book
ReplyDeletepls aap sbhi ko mil gae ho toh muje bhi koi send krdo...
ReplyDeletesir please send me complete answer key of pitman new era shorthand
ReplyDeletemy Gmail id is
Respected senior students kindly share with me complete solved pitman new era short hand book lahore.
ReplyDeleteiF anyone have pitman solved exercise book . share with me.
any have pitman solved exercise book. share with me .
ReplyDeletemy emial address.
Sir please send me complete answer at
Ex.24 to 33 k solution shoe nhi kr rha.
ReplyDeleteAgar kisi k pass full exercise hai mujhe plz send karo....
ReplyDeletekindly any body here to send me the complete exersices pdf to my gmail account mentioned.
Please give me all answers for all exercises
ReplyDeletePlease send me answers for all exercises.
ReplyDeleteSir please sand all exercise please email id.
ReplyDeleteplease send the full solved lesson
ReplyDeletehere at
ReplyDeleteFull answer key
ReplyDeleteSir please sand me pitmen shordhand Answer key please my mail id
ReplyDeleteSir I need the keys 130 onwards, can you send me please
ReplyDeletePlease sir send all exercise answers.
please send me complete answer key for pit man new era shorthand
Sir please send me All exercises new era pitman shorthand English Answerset.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
DeletePlease send me the answers of all this exercise as my email id is
ReplyDeletesir please send me complete answer key of pitman new era shorthand
ReplyDeletemy Gmail id is
Sir plzz send me exercise no 28
ReplyDeleteSend email
DeleteFull exiecise solve sir
ReplyDeleteSir piz.. Send me exercise no. 24 or 25
ReplyDeleteSend your e-mail
DeleteSend email
DeleteSir plz send me full answer key
ReplyDeleteMy gmail.
kindly send me full answer key
Send me the whole exercises pliz my email
ReplyDeleteSend me also full exercise on my email...
My anser 109
ReplyDeleteHi sir please send me on
ReplyDeleteMere pass puri exercise solve h
ReplyDeleteBhai ap hi send kr do
DeleteSir please send me on send me sir.
ReplyDeletePlease sir give me answers from exercise 70 up to 120
ReplyDeleteSend me on
ReplyDeletePlz send me
ReplyDeletePlease send all exercises to me in
ReplyDeletePlease send all exercises to me in
ReplyDeleteVery sumple
ReplyDeletePLEASE sent anyone all exercises at my plzzzz
ReplyDeleteSir please send me full exercise of this book at my Gmail
Aap muje batayiye ki aap kha se kha tk ki exrcise chahte hai mai aapko link bhej dunga aap download kr lijyega.
DeletePlease send the complete solution at
ReplyDeleteSir please send me full exercise of this book at my Gmail
ReplyDeleteKindly sir,send me full exercises of this book at
ReplyDeletehow can i downlaod pitman new era short hand book kindly advice me
ReplyDeleteSir i wanna answer key of all exercises by Pitman shorthand new era edition..Pearson. plz send it to my mail
ReplyDeleteSir plz sent me all exercise on
ReplyDeleteSir I am very confused about tha answer plz send me the key from 111 to 140.😊
ReplyDeleteThis is my
ReplyDeleteEmail ID:
111 to 140, sir plz snd mee
Dear, If someone owning New Era Book and Answer Key Please send me.
ReplyDeleteWarm Regards
please provide me pdf of new era pitman book. I cannot buy this because of lockdown.
ReplyDeleteEmail us on we have 3pdf
DeleteSir please send me all answer key pdf in my gmail-
ReplyDeletePlease provide me PDF of new era pitman book. I cannot buy this because of lockdown.. My email thank u so much
ReplyDeleteSir. Please send me all answer key pdf in my gmail-
ReplyDeletePlease send me answer key sir
Sir. Please send me all answer key pdf in my gmail-
If you want Pitman new era eBook then email us at